The veggie patch is going well. Well most of it survived the unseasonably hot spell we had about a week after we put them in. Unfortunately the Spinach bolted and the peas shrivelled up. Too precious for the hot weather. The leeks (top left corner) are getting thicker. The Capsicum (back row) are growing taller. The Salvia (bottom left) are even flowering. And the Coriander survived which was a bit touch and go there for a while.
In their stead however we have planted some baby beetroots. Just yesterday. So they haven't had time to really take off yet. We shall see how they go.
The Grosse Tomato bush that we put in has grown a lot, as have the marigolds that were around its base to attract the aphids and other nasties.
Even the Apple Cucumber plant that Pete put in has got a flower on it. Wonder if I have to hand polinate it.
The Tomatoberry bushes are going well, even have fruit on them, just need them to ripen now and we'll see how they taste.