Renovations the first

For Christmas, Pete's parents were very generous and gave us the wood to put down our own floating floorboards. Here is the start of putting them down. We started at the front door and are working our way across. The benefits of these are we can put stuff onto them straight away (or at least thats what Pete tells me). The downside is that we've realised the house isn't exactly built square which leads to small gaps which no one but me with my perfectionism would notice.

This picture has made me realise how white the living room is. I suspect I need to put some pictures up or something. Oh just had a thought. Doing the cross stitch I did for Mum, but instead of putting each pattern going verticle, how about going horizontal. Would be different and I think it would work... Hmmm...

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Unknown said...
January 18, 2009 at 10:16 PM

How about instead of doing it horizontally in one frame, you do each word and frame it separately then hang them in a row across the room?

Ivy Seas said...
February 11, 2009 at 9:18 PM

I knew you were getting your floors done, but I hadn't realised you had already started.

They look good.

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