A wander around the stalls drew me to one of the crystal stalls where I found a piece of Unakite which I bought later and is now sitting in my bra. I signed up to have a healing with the Turtle Woman and while I waited got a quick Reiki healing which was centering I guess, but I didn't really feel it work.
The Turtle Woman stall was the best one for me. I went and immediately felt good. She did a smudge cleansing using Sage (burnt the sage in a dish and using a feather wafted it over me to cleanse me) and then we prayed for guidance from my ancestors and hers to give me what I needed in todays session.
We pulled some cards from her 3 different decks. They weren't Tarot decks, more healers decks.
Past - Protection/Obsidion
- Don't want to get rid of this, need to bring it into the future
- Have been trying to protect myself from myself
Present - Sexuality
- Needing to learn my sexuality as a woman, having it come from me, not from outside sources
Future - Squirrel
- Need to centre
- Need to take care of myself
We then asked for more clarity and one of the cards pulled out was the Storm card. When I explained to her what the significance of that card was, with Kim, she thanked me as this was the first time she was back doing healings after losing her sister in law around Mothers Day.
She asked her guides for ways to bring the protection into the future, and got images of me shrouded in mist, being unable to see through it all, which is my depression. She then said she was getting a prayer over and over in her head, the Hail Mary, which apparently she doesn't even know, and suggested that this would be a good thing for me to use.
There was no way she could have known that the last time I said that prayer was when we were sitting around Kim's body, just after she died and said the Rosary. It was like Kim coming back and saying 'You protected me, I'm here to protect you.'
She then invited me to her drumming circle that she holds on the First Monday of every month. The next one being tomorrow night. She said that she doesn't invite many people to it, but that a few of the other healers at the market go and its held in her house which is why she keeps it small.
I'm nervous but I think I might attend.
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