Red Tent Circle - Taurus

Tonight was my first Red Tent Circle, held at the Serpentarius Healing Centre.

Words can barely describe how at home I felt, how right it felt, my whole body and soul were saying 'yes, this is it' the entire time I was there. I almost cried from relief a couple of times. I've helf back my spirituality for so long, and then floundered when I wanted to rekindle it, that going to this event with this amazing group of women and have it work and feel good and right and home that it is such a joyous relief.

We started by talking about the new moon in Taurus and expressions of this energy (positive: creativity, planning. Negative: overeating, overindulging) and then we did a meditation.

I saw quite easily and intensely the images of the meditation, the stars, the sand and the water. I could feel the warmth of the sand beneath my feet and heard distandly the creaking of the jetty as I walked across it. The clearing with Oshun was fairly enclosed, like a womb with the beautiful pool and waterfall in the middle surrounded by large bushes of jasmine. When we were told to float in the pool and look at the stars and then connect with our star selves I felt an intense rush of energy, power and connection. My whole body sang. The warmth of the pool soothed my sore leg and shoulder slowly.

After this we chose a card from the numerous Goddess decks around the circle. I'm not sure which deck I used but I got Artemis.

I am who I am
and I know who I am

Very fitting given how lost and disconnected I have felt recently. Its reassuring and a great affirmation to work with. Also fitting that she is one of the Goddesses I identified when I oiginally started working with Shamantic techniques.

I feel amazing right now. My whole body is tingling with energy, it has released knots in my neck and shoulders, my head is buzzing. I haven't felt like this for a long time and it is such a great feeling to know that I still can. I'm actually not sure I ever felt this spiritualy powerful before.


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