Random Universal Messenger Guy

Last Thursday, after visiting Kim in the hospital I jumped on the tram to head home. The tram driver saw me running for the tram which was nice of him, and then when I got onto the tram, a random guy gave me his seat. He ended up sitting next to me. He was the Random Universal Messenger Guy. We started talking and he was in really happy mood, which he explained was great because this was the first time he'd felt so good in about 5 months after breaking up with his girlfriend.

So we get onto the topic of Kim being in hospital and crystal healing. By the end of the trip he'd told me the names of 3 stones and the store of where to go to get them. Turquoise to draw out the cancer, Onyx for fighting infections and Blue Howlite for fighting nightmares. And the store was just off Swan St in Richmond.

Then that night I had a fairly major meltdown, with about half an hour of crying and I think it was me just releasing a lot of the emotions and stress that had been building up inside me. I felt pretty comatose afterwards. Friday I felt fairly battered and bruised by the whole thing.

However, I figure it was the Universe's way of putting out a huge arrow and slapping me up side the head.

I went to the store on Sunday and while the store was your usual new age fair, and the woman who ran the store wasn't that awe inspiring, I still got the stones and they felt good. They're now with Kim in the hospital.


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