Meet Onyxia and Whiskers

We got adopted by two gorgeous girls. We went to the AAPS down in keysborough looking for a kitten. They didn't have any kittens at the moment, but invited us to look at their cats, so we did. Most of the cats in the place ignored us completely however Onyxia and her sister were like 'pick me pick me.'

They were found in Noble Park together, and therefore needed to be rehoused together, which put me off initially at first but they are both so lovely that we couldn't refuse. They're about 9 months old so still pretty kitten-ish.


She was the first one to come up to the cage and demand to be patted. In fact she's sitting my my lap right now kneeding me with her claws. Wait, she's stopped and is sitting contentedly... for now. She's also the more adventurous of the two, quite happy to go exploring or come and sit with us.


She's a little timid this girl, which is understandable as its been a big couple days for them. She has so far hidden out in the study, and is now under the couch but at least theres sun getting to her, and she did come upstairs on her own accord last night. She just needs some time to adjust to having a forever home. Oh and she sounds like a bird when she purrs and meows at the same time. Very cute.
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