Ketosystem - Day 1

So my naturopath recommended that I go on this Ketosystem diet to kick-start my digestive system and hopefully weight loss as well. It seems very similar to the South Beach diet but this time its supported by a herbal tonic, a multivitamin, some cerillium husks and fish oil. It also requires me to pee on a stick to see what my fat burning level is. The diet involves next to no carbs (though as many veggies as I want that aren't potato) no sugar (not even fruit juice) and a hell of a lot of protein.

As I had already bought all the food for the week and planned the menus I'm going to be half starting it this week. Substituting my usual toast with nutella for an egg omlette this morning etc. Though I had already pre-made all the lunches for this week with a pasta base so thats out. Oh well, it'll give me time to get used to it, to start taking all the herbs and tablets and to get into the swing of it slowly.

I had my herb tonic this morning, it tastes disgusting so I was glad I was using up the fruit juice to get rid of the taste. No idea how I"m going to get rid of it from now on though as the juice is gone and I'm not buying more. I'm getting the rest of the products today, another $100 worth of stuff. *sigh* why is it so expensive?

Also need to bump up the exercise apparently, so while doing the C25K program is good, thats only 3 days a week, I need to be doing stuff 6 days, even if its just a walk rather than a run. Which is possibly a good thing but with Kim in the hospital for at least another 3 weeks I'm kinda wondering when I'm going to get time. Her solution was to go for a walk at lunch but most lunches I'm ultra busy anyway so *shrug*

Trying not to take this as a 'punishment' and trying to tell myself that I'm 'blessing my body' this way. But its hard, at least for now.


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