Samhain 2010

The Circle was set up with the tea light lantern in the north, the incense from the cleansing in the east, and 12 tea lights in glass jars around the permeter of the circle. I didn't notice but at one point after the circle had been cast K's dog approached the circle but didn't come inside.


Had two of the girls use incense to clear the place, and then the ball rattles to remove any stuck negative energy. I then took the rattles and walked the circle three times, the first two times shaking the rattles, the last time swirling them.

“The circle is cast
This space is sacred”


I walked to each of the quarters, shaking the rattles, swirling them when invoking.

“I call to the East,
Sisters of the Wind,
Send us your wisdom,
Enter this Sacred Space.”

“I call to the North,
Sisters of the Flame,
Send us your Courage,
Enter this Sacred Space.”

“I call to the West,
Sisters of the Wave,
Send us your Intuition,
Enter this Sacred Space.”

“I call to the South,
Sisters of the Earth,
Send us your Strength,
Enter this Sacred Space.”

Goddess Calls

"Goddess, Great Mother, Wise Woman, your daughters call, attend our rite this night

God, Great Father, Old One, your daughters call, attend our rite this night"


At some point during the next section all the trees in the west started swaying wildly, with the wind rushing through them.

"We come tonight to honour the change in seasons. The wheel is turning, the veil of the world is thin. The light has been eaten b y the dark. The year is in shadow. We are in shadow.

It is in shadow that we face our darkest secrets and deepest fears. It is in shadow that we face the parts of ourselves we do not wish to recognise. It is in shadow that we cannot hide. It is in shadow that we are stripped bare. It is in the shadow that we are beaten down. It is in the shadow that we cannot breathe. It is in the shadow that we find the light inside. It is in shadow that we are transformed. It is in the shadow that we are reborn.

We come tonight to honour our ancestors. We honour those who have walked this path before. We honour those in whose footsteps we tread. We honour those who have departed this realm. We honour those our eyes can no longer see. We honour those who our hearts ache for. We honour those who make our souls sing.

The spirits of our ancestors are linked to ours, it flows through our veins, it is sacred, we are sacred, life is sacred. It is through them that we learn that we are all connected. There is no beginning, no ending, we move as one, through this life and the next. It is through them that we glimpse the bigger picture.

In this time of shadow, this time of introspection, this time of transformation, we ask our ancestors to hear us, to be present. We ask them to speak to us, to give us guidance, to give us courage, to give us strength, to give us comfort, to give us wisdom."


Held the glass of red wine up to the sky

"Ancestors, we honour you. Give us guidance, speak your words of wisdom to us and protect us this night."

Passed the wine around from person to person, each saying their own private toast.


I instructed everyone to find a spot on the edge of the circle and face the outside. I then let them through a short meditation to connect with their ancestors and ask for guidance.

Tarot Card

The deck was shuffled and I approached each person instructing them to shuffle for themselves then take a card. Once they knew what card it was I placed it back into the deck, shuffling again before going to the next person. I got the 4 of Pentacles.


"Great Mother, Great Father, we thank you for your presence here at our rite. Until we meet again."

Shook the rattle at each of the quarters to clear them

“Sisters of the Earth,
I bid you farewell
Until we meet again.”

“Sisters of the Wave,
I bid you farewell
Until we meet again.”

“Sisters of the Flame,
I bid you farewell
Until we meet again.”

“Sisters of the Wind,
I bid you farewell
Until We meet again.”


Walked slowly around the circle in the reverse direction to the start shaking the rattles. Once I reached the beginning again I shook the rattles vigorously

“It is done.

The Circle is open.”


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