The Weekend

This weekend was pretty productive, but at the same time I don't feel like I've gone very far.

Saturday morning was a successful shopping trip, though we still managed to go about $20 over our weekly budget. And then on Sunday I had to go back because I had forgotten the items I needed to make a Raspberry tort.

Saturday day was spent, after the shopping, playing World of Warcraft for the most part, though managed to stop that at about 4pm. Consensus is that I need better gear to Off Tank in Zul'Aman. Working on that at the moment.

I then put a roast chicken on for dinner, fully intending to use the left overs from it for chicken burritoes for dinner during the week (tonight in fact) however the ants, that attacked while we were eating it, had different ideas. While the chicken was in the oven I made a yummy soup that I'm having for lunch today.

Sunday was more baking in the morning, put our sheets on to wash as it was very windy outside, a little bit more WoW and then an Undercoverwear party for one of Mel's friends, and a pointless trip to Cranbourne. We were supposed to pick up a couple of couches from a girl from highschool who was giving them away, but she wasn't there. Found out later she was at the doctor's at the time with 2 sick kids. Understandable I suppose but an sms would have been nice.

In terms of FlyLady I thought I did well planning and pre-cooking some meals for the week. I did my House Blessing on Saturday with the sweeping and wiping and emptying of bins. Didn't do my pamper mission on Sunday though, would have been nice to do a face mask and just chill.


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