
Inspired by my final astrology class I did a tarot reading for myself last night. The first in probably close to a year if not longer. It really didn't say anything I didn't already know deep down, just brought it forward and reinforced that everything was ok etc.

It was a Chakra reading:
6a 6b
5a 5b
3a 3b

So each card or cards had some messages about the chakras, messages from the subconcious etc. Was interesting, especially that I should be focusing on nostalgic memories.

I then followed this up wtih starting to read a book called The Circle which talks about creating your own spiritual practice, including devotions. So I did an evening one last night and a morning one this morning. Will be interesting to see how this goes.

A Veggie Patch

... well 1/2 of one.

Our backyard gets more sun that we thought it would so Pete went and bought two 1.2m square planter boxes from bunnings that we assembled during the week. Yesterday we filled up one of the boxes (11 bags of soil + lucerene mulch and newspaper for the bottom to stop the grass growing up through it all) and got some plants.

We divided the box into 16 squares of 30cm square each.

Top row left - right: Leeks, Capsicum, Capsicum, Marigolds
2nd to top row: Leeks, Garden Peas, Garden Peas, Tomatoes
3rd Row: Salvia, Cucumber, Cucumber, Marigolds
4th Row: Salvia, Spinach, Spinach, Coriander

For this box it cost us:

$60 for the box
$100 for the soil and plants
Total $160

In the other box The Husband wants to grow Cauliflower, Broccoli and Cabbage.

It will be interesting to see how these patches go in winter when they get minimal sun. If it comes to it we'll grow a tonne of potatoes.

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